How to Install Games on your TI-84 Plus CE?

What You Need

  1. TI-84 CE Graphing Calculator
  2. USB Charging Cable
  3. TI Connect CE Software


  1. Download the free TI Connect CE Software onto your computer (Mac or PC).
  2. Open TI Connect CE that you just downloaded.
  3. Take the USB Charging Cable and plug the USB side into your computer and the other side into your TI-84 CE.
  4. Turn on your graphing calculator.
  5. Press the documents icon right under the camera icon.
  6. Check to see if your calculator is connected.
  7. Download any of the games found at
  8. Once unzipped, drag the file onto the TI-84 CE Connect software
  9. You should now see a 'Send to Calculators' screen. Keep all the settings the same and it 'Send'.
  10. Now the game is on your graphing calculator!

How To Play Games Once Installed

  1. Press 2nd catalog (Hint: It's at the bottom!)
  2. Scroll down until you see Asm( and press enter.
  3. Press prgm and select the game you installed.
  4. Press enter one more time and enjoy the game!


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